Monday, March 15, 2010

The Antithesis of Boston

I recently returned from a trip to Tequesta, FL. There may be no place in the country quite so dramatically different from Boston:

In Tequesta, everyone is old(I mean really, death's-door old). In Boston, almost everyone is under 35.

In Tequesta, roads are six lanes and ruler-straight. In Boston, you're lucky to get two lanes and roads turn at random, just because.

In Tequesta, you can't walk to anything and have to drive everything. In Boston, you can walk/bike to everything and should never drive to anything.

In Tequesta, U-turns are a standard procedure. In Boston, U-turns are suicidal.

In Tequesta, its sunny and warm. In Boston, its rainy and cold.

The list could probably go on, but that's a quick summary.

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